Promoting human flourishing, and strengthening UK/US AI-based economy discussed at AI Roundtable hosted by @UKinBoston. Echo Messaging Systems was honored to be included with MIT/Cambridge AI companies, Dame Wendy Hall @DameWendyDBE and Dr Claire Craig of the @royalsociety both directly advise science policy for the UK Prime Minister.
We presented our ADIN Smart Containers to an AI roundtable at UK Consulate with Cambridge/MIT AI companies this past week. We gave a demo showing how ADIN smart containers can be used to create structure from unstructured data sources. This Dashboard views data that has been extracted autonomously from ADIN agents (in Docker containers) is live and updated as new data is added. Interactive Live Dashboard (feel free to interact with controls):
The unstructured data is : Agents pull gun law info, mass shootings and mental health expenditures by state. We would like your feedback.